Saturday, December 12, 2009

[zt]Match experience Stone Soup 石头汤

发信人: littlefatty (little fatty), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: 石头汤
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 8 11:06:40 2009, 美东)

还有人记得我的石头汤啊。 我当初的意思是对于一般人来说是很难把握一个长远的目标的。长远的目标的往往头绪很多, 而又缺乏衡量的手段,所以人们在征途中往往觉得沮丧,绝望。心情呼上呼下。 而这些又是有害无益的。不如把事情分成一些自己能够掌握的小步骤,然后尽力去做没一件小事,而不去让最终的是非成败左右自己的心情。就象熬石头汤那样,你得找到一个切入点,不论有多底,只要你抓住,用心做事,不沮丧, 不放弃,下一步的机会往往就会出现。

即使机会没有出现, 也不怨天由人,人生总不可能事事如人所愿。能平静地接受失败也是一种美德。

我现在已经开始做GI的FELLOW了。 那碗汤还在慢慢地熬。在此谢谢老刀前辈们的帮助和鼓励
longbow (12345) 于 (Sat May 19 12:58:13 2007) 提到:
我成绩和版上的大部分人比起来, 真是不值一晒。真的, 我还在这版上没有见过比我分数低的人。

我毕业快十年了, 成绩也只有七八十分。 没有绿卡, 可我最后去了我最想去的医院做内科的住院医. 那家医院的最低要求是85分 in all steps.

我LD总是说, 世上有些人凭本事, 有些人凭运气, 而我就是凭运气的。 其实, 我凭的也是本事。

世上的本事有很多种, 学得好, 考得好, 是本事。 可是, 这个世界是由各式各样的人组成的, 而你自己也是其中之一。 所以我认为把握自己及与人相处的本领, 才是最大的本事。

把握自己, 这样才能在困境中看到自己的长处,冷静的找到一条可行之路,保持乐观,健康的心态, 这是素质。 而人相处的本领就是寻找机遇的本领, 能使你事半功倍,这是本事。 人情通达即学问嘛。

看到很多人来这里问, 我这样的成绩,希望有多大。 其实,每个人的情况多不一样,而这世上又有谁能预料未来呢?诸葛亮都说了“夫難平者,事也。。。至於成敗利鈍,非臣之明所能逆睹也”。 所以我们只是要找出下一步我们需要做什麽, 怎样才能在现有的情况下把下一步做好。就像煮石头汤,一步一步来。 把自己能把握住的事情一定
要做好,自己把握不住的,就不要去担忧了。谋事在人, 成事在天。 既然成事在天,我们有为什麽要为最后的结果焦虑不安呢。就让老天爷去管就好了

我毕业於国内一所很一般的医学院, 当年考G也就是刚刚过2000, 可这并不妨碍我在一月份就开始拿到录取。 我刚到的时候是中国人里面分数最低的, 可我三年半就拿到了博士, 也考完了board。

我参加今年的match,拿到5个interview。 3个pathology, 2个IM。面试其实和谈恋爱一样,太木纳, 太热情, 都不好。有些人在面试的时候急切想知道PD的看法, 见interviewer就狂拍, 见interviewees就想套别人的底细。其实这又何必。 就和追女孩子一样, 跑的最勤的, 最帅的并不一定是胜利者。 矜持一点, 有点素质好不好。

三月份的我没有match上, 我老板也没有钱了。 我要找新的实验室, 要计划抽时间做observation 。这是我最困难的一段时间。我找到了新老板,告诉他我的计划。和他商量定了我的工作安排。然后我就找我们学校的Pathology 和 family要求做observation。

我们的IM根本就不给observation。 Pathology按道理也不给做。 但我找到他们的PD,没有要求做observation。 我问他能不能旁听他们的morning lectures。 开始旁听后我就和他们的attending以及senior residents 混熟了, 然后, 我就说我去你们实验室看看嘛, 这样, 就算是拿到了observation。

Family 的人倒是挺热情的, 二话没说就给了observation. 这样, 我周六, 周日,周一上午在 Family,周三, 周五在pathology。

做observation 时候, 多和大家聊聊, 不懂得就问, 有时候遇到他们也不清楚的时候, 你可以主动要求去查文献, 然后在第二天做一个小talk。 这样一来二去, 他们就会把你看成自己人了。

以前rank我的几个program的PD都对我印象不错, 四月底的时候, 我给他们发了email, 问他们有没有openings。 很幸运,到此, 石头汤就煮好了。

LD一直说我运气。 其实着又何尝不是我努力的结果。 其实即使没有这个机会, 我也一定能在8,9月的时候把我们学校的pathology 或family 的outside match 搞定。


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[zt]A story of not getting matched

EcoRone (中坑) 于 (Sat Mar 21 12:48:13 2009) 提到:

2006 graduate, 95, 97, cs passed, all in first attempt, had 5 nterviews..MPH
..some research publications yet..working on it..and no USCE.
.did not match..tried for scramble..2 programs called..they said that they liked me..but said they cant sponsor visa..its so...irritating..tired of this near misses

What do you think..My analysis for me not getting matched is this..I hope it helps future applicants also..
1. Scores are not everything..they are very..very..tiny addition to your CV.
2. USCE is everything..
3. Programs actually read Personal Statements..I always thought my PS sucked..but I had prepared it at last min cause when we were about to apply, I had to evacuate due to a hurricane..
4. On the same note, I applied on Sep 8th..which is a very huge mistake..everything should go on the first matter what happens..
5. Get everything by September..Whatever you do a waste..Programs dont consider that..That I saw in my interviews..I built my CV mainly after September..I dont think programs remembered me talking about my research and all..
6. Dont count NY programs on your rank cannot trust them..They interview too many will be lost in the crowd unless you personally know someone there..I had 4 NY interviews.
7. Dont trust any letters which come that say they ranked you high.
8. Scramble is a waste of time for the most part. They are mainly looking for AMGs. I had 2 today..can you imagine..they called me today..and sorry we liked you but we dont offer visas
9. Life does not suck..cause life goes on..even if you dont get matched..and you can expect bigger and better next year.
10. NY programs want Step 3. Even if you have average scores with Step 3.. you are better placed than a person with good scores and no step 3.
11. When you see on the website that a program has certain criteria to apply, If you dont meet the criteria, dont apply. Its a simple waste of money. I had applied to a place like that, I knew that they dont accept people without one year of clinical experience..I used to go there everyday to morning reports and case conferences after getting permission. I spoke with the PD. But finally, they just followed their criteria, they did not call me for an interview. I think there will be lot of stories where this is not true..but this is the rule..

The whole point of my lengthy discussion is ..Research your Programs..Dont go blindly by the IMG friendly list available..thats what I did. I did not apply to so many programs which were not on the list but were very IMG friendly. By the way, i applied to 160 programs..some of which i regret now. .Yale, Harvard..I did not realise that I was wasting 25 dollars every time I clicked on a program.


Callmeman (麦地差生) 于 (Sat Mar 21 18:18:51 2009) 提到:

USCE=United States Clinic Experience

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Resident and student abstract awards

The Student, Resident and Fellow Committee and the Research Committee of Associatin of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP) are coordinating a scientific poster session at her annual convention on May 23, 2010.

One or three abstract awards are planned to present to the best abstracts! Chinese Medical Graduate and resident members of ACAP are welcome to present and compete for the award(s). Should you be interest, keep an eye on this blog. More updates are coming...

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